Women in tech : a key success factor for COVID economic recovery

On March 6, 2021, men and women from around the world launch a call to action for more women in tech: they invite governments to publish an official ranking of establishments/universities teaching STEM based on the proportion of women among graduated students.

With more than 200 hundred personalities representing the public and the private sector, Doina Oncel, Founder of hEr VOLUTION, has joined the call initiated by Claudine Schmuck, author of Gender Scan, including to raise attention on the lack of progress for women in tech while the examples of Katalin Kariko, Laurence Devillers, Esperanza Martinez Romero, Ritu Karidhal, and Catherine Ngila demonstrate how influential women’s contribution to innovation can be.

Today fewer women enter scientific and technical studies, where they only represent 34% (i) of all STEM graduates in the world. This situation worsens on the job market in part due to sexism, where the proportion of women drops to 28% among scientists and engineers (ii)

The call for action invites governments to officially publish each year a ranking of STEM universities by the proportion of graduated women. This action will enable to evaluate the ability of universities to attract and retain the women needed by public and private R&D. It will enable to measure the progress from one year to the other the evolution and the effectiveness of solutions implemented.

Developing indicators for action is the focus of Gender Scan. Each edition enables to measure accomplishments as well as next steps. Co-constructed with partners representing students, SME & co-workers, and employees the 2021 survey will remain focused on highlighting achievements and identifying key actions for each target audience: teenagers, students, SME & co-workers, and employees.

As of March 6, 2021, the call for action will be available on  https://www.genderscan.org/. It will remain open to new signatories after March 8, 2021.

Gender Scan presentation :

[1] Gender ScanTM:  created in 2008 and published every year since 2017, Gender Scan is a reference survey on women in STEM from education to employment. It integrates data from UNESCO and the International Labor Organization to provide global insights on the evolution of the proportion of women in STEM studies, STEM sectors, and STEM occupations. It also includes results from the online survey. In the 2019 Gender Scan survey more than 15 000 respondents from 130 countries


hEr VOLUTION is an award-winning charitable organization providing innovative education and employment services to girls and young women in STEM. Our mission is to advance education by providing workshops and instructional seminars on topics relating to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for low-income and marginalized youth with a focus on girls and young women.

For more information, visit www.hervolution.org

For interview requests for or quotes from hEr VOLUTION contact:



[i] Source: Unesco, Gender Scan analysis.

[ii] Source: International Labor Organization, Gender Scan analysis.



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